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Sacred Heart Parish Ministries

Please contact the parish office to volunteer!

Arts & Environment

The Arts and Environment Ministry helps to create and preserve a prayerful and welcoming environment and encourage a peaceful spirit-filled Sanctuary.


The Art and Environment Committee is a group of parishioners who combine their gifts and work together to carry out the task of preparing and decorating for the parish liturgical celebrations.

Food Pantry

The Sacred Heart Church Food Pantry serves hungry families of Sacred Heart Parish and the surrounding community at all times of the year. Our ministry's mission is to provide food for the needy. All donations of food, cash contributions, and the 120 Club proceeds are combined in supporting this worthwhile ministry.

The Sacred Heart Church Food Pantry is managed by a group of volunteer parishioners who, without compensation of any kind, try to meet the needs of as many individuals as possible.

Volunteers on this committee: 

  • acquire food items from various, identified sources

  • restock the pantry shelves

  • assemble grocery bags for weekly distribution to area residents in need

  • assist in preparing & distributing Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets

Eucharistic Minister

An extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is a term used in the Roman Catholic Church for lay people who assist in distributing Communion to members of the congregation during celebrations of the Mass, holy days of obligation, and other special celebrations of the Eucharist.


Registered members of the Sacred Heart, who are confirmed men, women, teens and young adult volunteers will attend training before being commissioned to serve. Once commissioned, volunteers are able to select preferred Mass times and days.


Proclaim the Scriptures at weekend Masses and special liturgies. 
Lectors who are the lay ministers proclaim the readings and certain other prayers during Mass.

Confirmed men, women, teens and young adult volunteers who are registered members of Sacred Heart Church. 


Training and special preparatory materials are provided.

This ministry requires good speaking skills, along with the ability to convey emotion and content without distracting the focus of the congregation. 

In addition, some preparation is required during the week since the Reader should know the assigned reading(s) well enough to avoid stumbling over unusual names, words, or syntax.
Arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass.

Faith Formation

On going faith formation for our young children for preparation of the sacraments with the Restored Order which is at the end of the third grade for First Communion and Confirmation.


Also ongoing faith courses for adults as well as baptismal and marriage preparation.

Parish days of recollection and retreat experiences are developing along with encouragement of Eucharistic Adoration.



"May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time."          ~EWTN

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